Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

study in boarding

study at Islamic schools to promote our good close to our gods, and studying in boarding schools could make us independent and skilled to do it all by itself, for example: his own bed.

Senin, 10 Mei 2010

study in boarding

study at Islamic schools to promote our good close to our gods, and studying in boarding schools could make us independent and skilled to do it all by itself, for example: his own bed, wake up the night to pray night.such that live in boarding schools, lived in boarding schools or studying at the seminary is very profitable.
in addition you can also learn to pray to the prophets, and learn adzan prayer and religious study etc.besides you guys, you too can learn general lessons, such as: mathematics, Science, language, and it also sebagainya.selain you can play / extracurricular , Is fun for you guys, but if our school at the seminary we should not fight to my friends and seniors, in addition we must also respect the ustadz.dan at the seminary we must not smoking and not allowed to bring cell phone, if we take / do all that, itâ k will be put on sanctions, the parties pesantren.begitulah life in boarding school I am going through now.